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Tune in every week for captivating tales from mythology, literature, and folklore. 
Tune in every week for captivating tales from mythology, literature, and folklore. 





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for an Adventure?

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Spinning Yarns is a podcast ready to take you there. To spin a yarn means to tell a long, imaginative story, and there are no better yarns than the ones we find in mythology, folklore, and literature.

Every week, I'll  take you on a journey through classic tales from around the world, featuring beloved and not-so-beloved (I'm looking at you Zeus) characters alike. From the mighty Thor to the humble heroes in countless fairy tales, I'll  breathe new life into these stories and show you how the human experience is universal. And who knows, I might even share a few yarns you've never heard before!

So buckle up and join me for free every week on Spinning Yarns for a thrilling ride through the world of storytelling that I hope will leave you spellbound. 

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